Wednesday, March 10, 2010


So today, Mr. Davis did a devotion that 're-defined freedom', and I thought it was awesome. So I admit, I'm biting a lot off it, but it's definitely worth being bit off. I'll try to add my own take in there too though.

Freedom is defined in the dictionary as "the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint". This is the commonly accepted definition of freedom that we see all over the place; it's the kind of freedom that people think makes them truly happy and fulfilled.

However, having the freedom to do, say, or think anything is really not freedom at all; instead, it is bondage.

Pause - Keep in mind what I just said, we'll go back there.

As a christian, we know we are promised freedom in Christ:

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death
-Romans 8:2

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
-Galatians 5:1

Why is it then that Christ asks His followers to live as he did, to flee from sin and, in essence, live according to a more restricted set of 'rules' than the world? How is this freedom? I thought freedom was being able to do what I want to do whenever I want to do it.

Christianity gives you freedom because it limits your options to only ones that will be beneficial to you in the long run (eternity). Think about it, if you are presented with 10 options, 10 ways to react in a situation, 7 of which will ultimately lead to your destruction and 3 that will save you, the world says that you are more free if you have 10 options, even if some are bad options. However, Christ says you should eliminate the 7 that will lead to destruction, leaving you with only the 3 options that will save you. Is this not more freeing, having only 3 options that will all benefit you? You are more free when you only have the desire to choose the beneficial options.

If that isn't working for you, think about it this way: Is an adult more free than a baby? If we are sticking to the definition the world gives us, then no, a baby is far more free than an adult. For example, a baby can go to the bathroom whenever it wants. As an adult, would it make you more free if you relieved yourself whenever you felt it necessary? Wore a diaper just to make life simple? Most people I know would agree that this would not be a freeing choice, but simply increase your dependence upon the diaper. No, freedom is when you eliminate the option of relieving yourself in your pants and choose instead to only use a restroom.

If we live with our lives aligned to Christ, set our sights on His sights, desire what He desires, we experience a freedom infinitely more freeing than could ever be experienced simply by following the desires we have in this world.


  1. I wish I could express this idea in writing as well as I can understand it in my mind. Eh, I gave it a try though.

  2. this is really interesting, that is somethung i never really would have thought about with the freedom that christ is talking about. i liked the 10 options example.
    - jessica

  3. Thanks jess, I thought it was really cool too when I heard it.

  4. Your poopy diaper example is graphic... But appropriately so! I heard on the news a couple of days ago about one more Hollywood personality who died of a drug overdose. Anyone addicted to anything believed him or herself at one time to be free to indulge. However the perceived freedom lead to a very real bondage, a lack of freedom to choose differently.
