Sunday, March 7, 2010

Film Awesomeness *In no way related to the Academy Awards*

So, some of you may know that my latest short film Divergence was accepted to the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) in Seattle, WA. Am I ridiculously stoked about this? Yes indeed. Ridiculously. Stoked.

And I lied, this post is a tiny bit related to the Academy Awards. Not a single one of the winners thanked God. Not one. In one sense, I think this is kinda a good thing, cause if that's really not what's on their minds then I don't want them just going up and spurting words out all over the place. But anyway, if I won an Oscar, I'd thank God. Just throwing that out there. I want to win an Oscar, that'd be ridiculously awesome.

But back to NFFTY (not an oscar yet... baby steps, baby steps). I get to fly up to Seattle with Nicholas and Justin, (they made the movie with me) and hang out there for a couple days, go to the screening of my film and other films, have a question and answer about the film, meet industry people, and potentially win some awards. I don't expect to win anything but hey, we'll see what happens. Divergence isn't on youtube or anything yet, but as soon as the festival is over I'll upload it to youtube. In the meantime, watch other stuff at my youtube site.

Alright... I think that's all I have to say about Film Awesomeness for now. And I promise I won't use this blog for advertisement too often, haha, I was just too ridiculously excited about getting accepted to this festival and couldn't contain it. SO... I blogged.



  1. taylor by the way
    ya dude i know what your saying about the whole thanking god thing...but you know how celebrities are. Im glad your taking your filming far dude ive tried on youtube but i cant get views or anything. good work i hope it all goes well up in seattle

  2. wow congratulations aaron!! I'm glad you put up a link, because I've been wanting to see some of these videos that I hear so much about :) And they are awesome. you are very talented. plus, you'd be the best person to win an award because you know where everything good comes from! hope everything works out for you.

  3. Thanks melody :) and some of the older videos i've made are at

  4. Now its a contest Aaron.

  5. Mein namme ist Scott.

    And you know me...
