Friday, February 26, 2010

Past Thoughts of an Aaron

So in the past, whenever I wanted to “blog” about something I would post it as a note on facebook. But now, since there is a place actually devoted to posting stuff like that, I’ll just copy over the one post I actually kinda wanna keep from that “blog”
In general terms, if you want to do well at something, if you want to succeed, you focus on your goal before you actually go out and attempt it. If you want to do well on a test, you study for it; If you want to do well performing a song, you practice that song; if you want to get good at a sport you practice that sport; etc. It applies to everything, so why shouldn’t it apply to our relationship with God.

If you want your relationship with God to be good, then you should work on your relationship with God.

How can an idea so simple be so difficult to follow through with. I find myself analyzing my relationship with God, notice it’s not doing too well, say to myself “yeah, i really should do something about it” and repeat that same cycle everyday for “x” amount of days. With anything else in life, I see a problem and I do something about it that moment to solve the problem. Why can’t I apply that to my spiritual life more often? If I see in the mirror that my hair is messy, I fix it. I don’t say to myself “yeah, I really should do something about it” and leave, until finally a few days later I fix the messed up hair. No, that’s ridiculous. Why don’t I think it’s ridiculous in my walk with God?

I’m also discovering there is a correlation between (to put it bluntly) the way I am able to lead others (and myself) in worship and how much time, thought, and prayer I put into making a worship set. Again, seems like a no brainer right? But no, of course I have to learn it by experience.

If I think at any moment that I can worship God without God allowing me to or helping me to, I am a complete idiot. I, an insignificant human created by God, think I have the right and authority to be able to even communicate with God at all? Think I know better than God does what songs will be good for the night, or what the order of things should be? Think that I have any authority to be doing anything related to the One who created the entire universe at all? Think that I even have a right to exist on this planet, to take my next breath, or to wake up in the morning? And yet, I still try to take control in these areas. And it not only affects me in a negative way, but I definitely can’t be leading others in worship if my heart isn’t in the right place, so it’s affecting others as well. As I’m typing this I’m seeing how obvious all this should be (and is), and yet it’s still something that I’m learning.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Prov. 3:5)

Such a simple command. I’m learning to trust the Lord with ALL my heart, and believe that the Lord’s understanding is far greater than any knowledge or input that I have to offer.

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